Announcing the Launch of Red Iron Labs

Over the last 6 years, I’ve been very fortunate to have released hundreds of mobile applications and games!  However, in an effort to help preserve the FileArchiveHaven branding and security focus, I’m proud to announce a brand new – cutting edge – video game company!

This will leave mobile applications and games to the FileArchiveHaven brand.

R_480x480So without further adieu!  I’m proud to formally announce the launching of Red Iron Labs Inc!

What’s unique here?

Red Iron Labs focuses in high-end, virtual reality driven console and PC games.  It is heavily focused on dark, immersive games.  And plans to create games that will excite (and even sometimes scare) people.

We’ve had a ton of help from people in the community while we started building this game company (and for those of you curious, yes, Red Iron Labs Inc. has a BlackBerry World vendor account!).

Expect some new, cool games on the horizon!  And if your interested, follow the blog or follow @RedIronLabs on twitter.