Venus Project – Solar Powered Blinds

Hello Everyone,

I’ll be sharing with you (over the next while) or plans to engage the Venus Project in our own home.

So following Zeitgeist Addendum (which is [as all three movies are] a free download by the way) I can comfortably say that I agree with many of the points in the movie and I can see many of the benefits to the Venus Project.

So, the final question the movie is:  What do you do?

You know that energy companies have to rely on consumable resources to bill consumers as much as possible for profit.

Step 1 – Go green

Find a way to pay as little for ‘resource’ based energy from consumable products.  Many renewable resources exist (solar, geothermal, wind, water, others – yes, district heating is a cool idea) and as individuals it is up to each of us to find a way to stop paying companies for energy that is unnecessarily expensive and energy that is not sustainable.

Well, for us is to reduce our power usage.  We live in an apartment, all of our power is ‘free’ to us as it is part of our agreement.  So why the change?  Well, its not just for the environment, or to do our part.  Its because by using renewable resources we are reducing the amount of money (however small) that is reaching the hands of large business that damages the quality of life and environment of our planet.

So, the easiest way for me to do this – is to use the only available renewable resource to us in our home – the sun!

The best way to harness this energy in an apartment?  Why, solar power obtained from your blinds!  There are several different solar panel blinds you can purchase for your home.  Some are very attractive.  And you can also add Solar USB Chargers to your home, helping (however small) to reduce your footprint.

So, on our to-do list is to purchase:

  • Old, sturdy blinds
  • Some solar panels
  • A solar panel battery
  • Some cabling
  • Some components

Or, a prefabricated Solar Panel (which I’m more likely to go with).

So hang tight!  We will definitely be makign some solar panel changes in our home.  And we will post some photos to cover it.

For more information on the Venus Project in your country, please visit the following page:
